Early summer flew by and, towards the end of July, a few blisteringly hot, very humid days followed. A promising start to the approaching rutting season, and I was looking forward to it. For me, rut hunting is always a very special highlight of the hunting year. If I am […]
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Hunting and Travelling back to the Roots
… and maybe that’s the reason why I love to roam about with my little microbus camper van (aka “Bulli”), why I love to travel. It’s that feeling of freedom. Getting out of the daily dullness, getting outdoors. My passion for travelling and hunting takes me back to my roots. […]
Read More“The rifle shoots and the optics hit”
In conversation with Julia Kerner about hunting as a responsibility towards nature, her favorite hunting grounds and why the Leica Amplus 6 is her optics of choice. How did you get into hunting? I got into hunting through my family, I grew up hunting. My father is a hunter, my […]
Read MoreThe Adventure Continues!
This moment became etched in the pink sandstone of the Vosges. The end of July rang in the excellent start of a new season for the novice hunters, invited to trouble the bucks and boars in the fresh, summery pine forests. The first stage of this season’s Leica Hunting Experience […]
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