Articles by: Ilka Dorn

Pursuing the elusive chamois

When we set out before dawn, the mountains are barely visible against the blue-black firmament. But soon their jagged silhouette stands out clearly from the horizon and the sky turns a vibrant orange. One by one, the last points of light on the opposite slope go out. A small mountain […]

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Africa in our hearts

“Mama, when are we going to Africa again?” Johannes lowers the spoon he was about to dip into his muesli and studies my face carefully. I know how eagerly he awaits my answer; he has probably been keeping his request under wraps for a while. After all, long-distance travel is […]

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Chamois success in deep snow

All you can hear is the soft groaning and creaking of the tall spruce trees, barely moving in the wind. Otherwise, it’s completely still in the mountains as we leave behind our cozy hunting lodge and step into the crisp alpine air. The snow seems to have swallowed all sounds. […]

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