In conversation with Freddy Lietz about his attitude towards hunting and the advice he gives to young people who are interested in hunting.
How did you get into hunting?
I grew up with hunting as a family, had my first contact with hunting at the age of five and have been an active and passionate hunter for 18 years.
What do you associate with hunting, what do you particularly appreciate about it?
Being outdoors combined with a great responsibility, proven expertise and a responsible closeness to our nature and its sustainable use. The care and maintenance combined with high-quality meat production. The privilege to have the balance within nature with the best knowledge and conscience and to bring in different aspects like agriculture and forestry.
Where do you prefer to hunt?
In the forest and in the fields.
Is there a hunting experience that has particularly impressed you in the past?
In the course of time there are many special moments during the hunt which all remain in your memory. Very special moments for me personally are the encounters with wild boars at close range and the fallow deer rut.
What would you give as advice to young people who are interested in hunting?
To be interested in the hunting license and hunting means in my opinion to bear great responsibility. Above all to have the necessary respect for our game. Getting a hunting license is not a short-term spontaneous decision but should be lived. I definitely recommend accompanying a friend or acquaintance hunter for a while…
How do you think modern hunting and nature conservation fit together?
In every area time is evolving and that is a good thing. Also, the hunt develops itself further and a contemporary hunt can be exercised definitely properly. The basic framework for this is the respect for our nature and the understanding for it.
Last but not least: Why are high-quality optics important for you when hunting?
The highest priority for me is to ensure that the hunt is in accordance with the hunting guidelines and without suffering. A responsible craft requires high-quality tools. High-quality optics are an essential tool to have a solid foundation even under difficult conditions.